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AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence and Keys for Early Integration

  The AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence is not a green building rating system or checklist of prescriptive sustainability measures. It is a comprehensive framework of thought-provoking and insightful principles that every project should consider. Historically, the AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence is rooted in the AIA’s COTE (Committee on the Environment) Top 10 annual awards Read More

The Challenge and Reward of Cultivating Good Habits

Like working out, eating right or saving money, commissioning is a habit that pays lifelong dividends By Kelsey Leslie, Paladin, Inc. Why is it so hard to adopt the good habits we know will make us happier, healthier and wealthier? Why do we drag our feet when it comes to kicking off that workout regimen Read More

What Are Scope 1, 2, & 3 Emissions?

A common measuring stick for sustainable building operations and construction is carbon emissions. Measurement of carbon emissions allows entities to have a normalized data point that covers everything from energy to material consumption. But before you can make your building and its components more green, you have to know what your current emissions are and Read More

Basics of Functional Testing for Existing Buildings

When your building was initially conceived, you had a clear vision for its purpose. The spaces and systems were designed and installed to fulfill that plan. But now, as your building progresses through its lifespan, it’s likely to encounter a natural entropy – changes in how it is used and normal wear-and-tear as well as Read More

How About Both? In the debate between “planet vs people,” harmony is a viable option.

Do you remember the good old days when building or renovating a structure was all about building or renovating a structure? Turns out that things in the design, engineering and commissioning business have fallen prey to the global trend of the seemingly unavoidable need to MAKE A STATEMENT. From the greenhouse gases emitted during materials Read More
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