859.252.3047 info@paladinky.com


The Challenge and Reward of Cultivating Good Habits

The Challenge and Reward of Cultivating Good Habits

Like working out, eating right or saving money, commissioning is a habit that pays lifelong dividends By Kelsey Leslie, Paladin Engineers Why is it so hard to adopt the good habits we know will make us happier, healthier and wealthier? Why do we drag our feet when it...

What Are Scope 1, 2, & 3 Emissions?

What Are Scope 1, 2, & 3 Emissions?

A common measuring stick for sustainable building operations and construction is carbon emissions. Measurement of carbon emissions allows entities to have a normalized data point that covers everything from energy to material consumption. But before you can make your...

Basics of Functional Testing for Existing Buildings

Basics of Functional Testing for Existing Buildings

When your building was initially conceived, you had a clear vision for its purpose. The spaces and systems were designed and installed to fulfill that plan. But now, as your building progresses through its lifespan, it’s likely to encounter a natural entropy – changes...

The Importance of Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx)

The Importance of Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx)

The rapid ups and downs of the economy in the last two decades have affected everyone and created an increased demand for high-capacity, high-performance buildings. Luckily, there appears to be an appetite for more sustainable and responsible construction, and more...

Carbon Neutral Vs Net Zero – What’s the Difference?

Carbon Neutral Vs Net Zero – What’s the Difference?

For the past several years, you have probably been hearing these phrases being tossed around like a beach ball on a hot summer day: Carbon Neutral, Net Zero, Carbon Negative, Climate Positive. They all have one thing in common, and that is the reduction of carbon...

Air Quality: From Nice Touch to Necessity

Air Quality: From Nice Touch to Necessity

Mark Zoller, Paladin, Inc. When the pandemic made landfall in the U.S. in early 2020, what had been a casual interest in air quality became a full-blown concern for building owners everywhere. Whereas many had considered “fresh air” in terms of compliance with local...