Game Changer in Building SystemsTM

Champions for a Cause


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Teaming up commissioning, engineering, and sustainability consulting to unlock your building’s potential.

Redefine the Finish Line

Your building is only successful when it optimally functions throughout its lifecycle. More than a philosophy, we call it the Paladin Promise. We commit to show unwavering commitment to you and your project from Day One through closeout, to recognize key drivers for the project and measure to them, and to deliver a complete, efficient project using a strategic blend of talent and resources.



We think about your building like you do.

Seeing through the lens of a building owner enables us to focus on the details that matter to you. We think about your building’s purpose, its users, efficiency, emissions, long-term value, and resilience. Aligning our perspective with yours transforms your project. 


Direct-to-Owner Engineering

Unlocking Building Potential

Your building relies on intricate, interconnected systems, and our solutions breathe new life into them. A streamlined process involves direct collaboration with you, homing in on your goals so we achieve them. Our hands-on verification process ensures that every solution meets your expectations and aligns with your needs. And BAS solutions simplify your building’s operations, improve its energy efficiency, enhance occupant comfort, and deliver peak performance.

  • Direct-to-Owner Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (MEP) Design
  • Existing Building Evaluation & Improvement Services
  • Building Automation Systems (BAS) Design

Sustainability Consulting

Empowering Your Building’s Future

Building sustainability requires a holistic approach, which involves detailed planning, strategy, and support to pursue your goals from an environmental perspective. We concentrate on your mission statement to steer sustainability initiatives, keep environmental considerations at the forefront when working with design teams, and help guide contractors through construction challenges. Our sustainability consulting includes:

  • Sustainability Planning
  • Certification Consulting
  • Contract Certification Support

Commissioning Services

Optimized for Life

Commissioning is a crucial player in providing optimal system operation in both new and existing buildings. Paladin understands the complexities of these systems, from building enclosure assemblies to electrical systems, and we know how to maintain lifespan functionality. Our process engages all stakeholders to identify and resolve issues impacting occupant safety, satisfaction, and overall building performance while maximizing the value of your investment.

  • New Construction Commissioning
  • Existing Building Commissioning
  • Ongoing Commissioning

Contractors Need Game Changers, Too

Paladin DTS delivers building-focused digital and technical solutions tailored for the construction industry. Visit our sister company to learn more.

Recent Blog Posts 01 / 05

Diversion vs. Source Reduction: Rethinking Construction and Demolition Waste 

By Erica Weeks, LEED Fellow Construction and Demolition Waste in the Built Environment Construction and demolition (C&D) waste is a necessary evil of an ever-changing built environment. Buildings outlive their useful lifespan and are demolished for new ones to take their place (I’ll discuss adaptive reuse of existing buildings at another time).Delivering custom buildings requires Read More

BAS Makes Smarter Buildings, but It Can’t Read Minds

By Kelsey Leslie, Paladin, Inc Long considered the “brain” of a building that functions as designed, Building Automation Systems (BAS) actually require the involvement of multiple brains to reach peak effectiveness.  Since even the most sophisticated BAS system can’t read minds, there is a compelling need for clear and thoughtful communication to connect the brains Read More

AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence and Keys for Early Integration

By Paladin, Inc   The AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence is not a green building rating system or checklist of prescriptive sustainability measures. It is a comprehensive framework of thought-provoking and insightful principles that every project should consider. Historically, the AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence is rooted in the AIA’s COTE (Committee on the Environment) Top Read More

Creating a Resiliency Culture in Commercial Building Projects:
A Runner’s Perspective

By Mark Zoller, Paladin, Inc As a commissioning provider and design engineer with a background in competitive running, I've come to appreciate the parallels between building resilient systems and training for a successful race. Just as a runner must prepare for the challenges of a tough course, building owners and operators must cultivate a culture Read More

Paladin’s Suggested Strategy for Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment

By Candice Rogers, Paladin, Inc. Back in the day of paper maps, planning a trip to a new jobsite involved a Rand McNally atlas or printed Mapquest directions and an ability to actually read road signs. Too often, those trips became a series of missed turns, late arrivals, and close calls as drivers navigated highways Read More


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121 Old Lafayette Avenue
Lexington, KY 40502