Diversion vs. Source Reduction: Rethinking Construction and Demolition Waste 

By Erica Weeks, LEED Fellow Construction and Demolition Waste in the Built Environment Construction and demolition (C&D) waste is a necessary evil of an ever-changing built environment. Buildings outlive their useful lifespan and are demolished for new ones to take their place (I’ll discuss adaptive reuse of existing buildings at another time).Delivering custom buildings requires […]

Creating a Resiliency Culture in Commercial Building Projects:
A Runner’s Perspective

By Mark Zoller, Paladin, Inc As a commissioning provider and design engineer with a background in competitive running, I’ve come to appreciate the parallels between building resilient systems and training for a successful race. Just as a runner must prepare for the challenges of a tough course, building owners and operators must cultivate a culture […]

Paladin’s Suggested Strategy for Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment

By Candice Rogers, Paladin, Inc. Back in the day of paper maps, planning a trip to a new jobsite involved a Rand McNally atlas or printed Mapquest directions and an ability to actually read road signs. Too often, those trips became a series of missed turns, late arrivals, and close calls as drivers navigated highways […]

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Lexington, KY 40502